Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We has big snow in Atlanta and it felt like home. As the snow fell and fell a wonderful sense of calm came over me. The world outside my windows looked like the world I lived in for so long up north. But as a I recall those days I never remembered being so excited about snow unless it was Christmas or school was cancelled (which rarely happened in the land of salt and plentiful snowplows). We worked around the snow and dealt with the snow. We never experienced the snow like this.

Today as I drove my boys to soccer practice we were captivated with the remnants of numerous snowmen. Everywhere. It was unlike anything I had ever seen growing up in Ohio. Yard after yard had a tiny snowman left melting, some with little mittens and branches sticking out. It filled me with utter joy. The people of Atlanta don't take the snow for granted. It is so seldom and random that snow falls and actually accumulates that it becomes an event here. The more we drove, the more we laughed. We began a competition to see which side of the road had more snowmen. They were everywhere! I could picture families stepping away from technology to bask in the pure delight of a snowfall. Did they have snowball fights and make snow angels too? It reminded me of the Goethe quote "nothing is more important than this day." We sure did live in the moment on our snow day, Atlanta.

I must now pose the question of what are we taking for granted?

Thursday, February 26, 2009


since I am religionless, I kind of pick and choose the good things from different faith. Hey, at least I am honest. I love the lesson behind Lent. Many years I gave up a vice and I have never succeeded with chocolate. For the past few years I decided to be proactive and do something good, add something to my life that is difficult but worthy. I am going to follow this sage advice:

The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity. —Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790); philosopher, printer, writer,inventor, scientist

Forgiveness-done. I don't really have any enemies (that I know of). Tolerance-done. For some of my girlfriends I gave the following:

to my girlfriends. a heartfelt valentine to you. Happy Valentines day. just wanted to send out some love. Here's what i love about you (among other things)

Christa- you can make me cry with your sentimentality. we should have coffee and clove candy. forever.

Jenny-I can see you after years and we pick up like it has been an hour.

Whitney- you are the "I can do it" girl. Without hesitation you try and succeed. your girls have a wonderful mother

Joanna- we can laugh, huh? You made me do it and you celebrated my victory! I'll ride in teacups anyday

Karina- instant friendship is what we found when we got to know one another. every day is fun. you make the world more lovely.

Carolyn- if you write it on a list, it gets done. You amaze me! I could go on and on

Beth- you make me laugh. you are more than that, but the best is that you make me laugh.

Amy- you are so dear to me. I love your gifts, so thoughtful and creative. I loved how you weren't wearing underwear the day we had to try on dresses.

Heidi- snort, giggle. you are so fun

Ann- you always have a story that astounds me and you are so fun to run with
Sarah- you beat cancer! and I have so much fun with you

Karen- I will never be able to express all the lessons I have learned from you. You taught me how to mother and gave me confidence for this role. I am forever grateful.

Laura- you love to run and I am envious of that. you are getting to truly know yourself and it is great to be along for the ride

Crystal- oh how you get me and can make me laugh. I am envious of your origami skills.
Jenpop- so creative, such a quick wit, wonderful chef

Kerry- terrific mother, confidant. you always say it like it is and I love that

Mary Margaret- funny, beautiful, smells a little like pumpkin pie

Karen- who knew one of my closest friends would be a neighbor. how lucky are we?

Charlotte- you have always been there for me and everyone knows your amazing role.

Shannon- your mothering skills could win an award. you are so beautiful in the role of mother.

Laurie- you give the soundest advice with love and grace. I adore you

Sarah- you are a lovely and adorable mother and friend. I am envious of your gentleness.

Amy- I loved you the moment I met you with brownies and a mix tape in hand. I cry when I look at your beautiful family. happiness.

Vanessa- so gorgeous and so much fun to work alongside. with just an eye movement I get what you are saying and you, me

Rebecca- beautiful, fun, always there for a chat and cup of coffeee (seriously you always have coffee made), amazing mother and loving advocate

Meredith- I miss you. my earthy, jewelry making, dog transporting friend

Ann- you are a terrific leader and confidant. you are someone to be admired

Stacey- you are fun and artistic and a ball of fire!
Sue- you are a wisher and a dreamer and a doer. You get this great look on your face when you really love something whether it is the call of an alligator or the song of your child.

Lisa- you are an artist and an advocate. I love how you can say what you feel.

Staci- new friend I instantly adored. you have such a sense of style and you are such a fun mom

Laura- my oldest friend. I remember like yesterday when we buried our dishes when I had to move. you dug them up! :) even though you got the girl rabbit I will love you always love to all of you! Just thought I would say it out loud angela♥

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Oh blog I have neglected you

blessed be the peacemakers.

This is my son and his very best friends on the National Day of Peace. His school created a wonderful movement...yes I said movement. I was moved to tears and filled with such emotion this day. Each child created a pinwheel colored with their thoughts and images of peace. After a group talk about peace and understanding and an amazing song in sign language we went outside on the most perfect day. All carefully placed their pinwheel into the hardened earth (remember we are in a severe drought) at the same time. At first it was simply good. Then the feelings grew in my heart, my mind, my soul. I can't put the feelings adequately into words. Cars came to a stop in front of the school to gaze and I wished that everyone in the world were doing this at the same moment.