Thursday, January 10, 2008


The day has come. It's really here. I am presently packing (well I am making a list of things to pack)for our big race at Disney. Anyone else singing "She's got a ticket to ride" in their head now? It's rainy and gross and I am terrified to do this but I know down deep in my soul that this is a good thing, no a great thing. I love my dear Kate and want nothing more than for her to recover completely from this. I will wear my purple (forgive my middriff---what gives with the short shirts?) with love and hope.Yesterday I was wearing my kate shirt (has a pic of her and TNT rocks on the back) at Whole Foods and a man came up and touched me. He said "I couldn't help notice your shirt. Thank you for what you are doing. I am a Lymphoma Survivor and I think research enabled me to survive because of this fundraising. Did you know Ga was the first state to raise a million dollars?" He went on to say that he will pray for Kate and for cool weather for us running. Then my dear sweet William said "I'm glad you lived." Wow! Let's run!

thank you to everyone who has given money for this cause, given me a "go girl!", honked their horn while I am running, made me get up at 6 to run (Whitney), listened to me complain while running(Joanna and Whit), bought me Quench gum in the middle of the night (Marc), offered to massage me (that was probably a creepy one from a stranger, huh?), offered to hold a ping pong tournament in my honor (Heidi), encouraged me with a "13.1" ornament (Carolyn), called me to say "you can do it" (Candy and Louie), spread the word to their charitable foundation (Char and bob), promised me oatmeal cookies when its over (you did say that, right beth?) hugged my sweaty body after a tough one (Jo, Carolyn,Barb, Whit and Marc), emailed and called with constant encouragement (alley), and said prayers for Kate.

In the past week I have found out my uncle has cancer and begins Chemo 1/26, a teacher at our school has cancer in her lymph node and my friend Sally will have a mass removed from her frontal lobe tomorrow. This is scary and it is reality. If running helps give science the money necessary for discovering cures and treatments, I'm all in. Who wants to go to Alaska in June cause we are going to raise some serious money now. We're just getting started.

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