Friday, October 26, 2007

Feet of flames

MY Team in Training that redundant?
Training has been...well, difficult. Kate is a great motivator because I hate to run. But let me tell you, this little girl has a lot of fight and hope in her. She is kicking this Leukemia thing's behind with a bog ol smile on her dimpled little face. Yesterday she began the maintenance phase of her journey. Can I get an AMEN?

I have a great mentor with TNT. Thank you Joanna for all your spirit, advise and pep talks. I have a great running buddy, Whitney, who I adore (with or without underwear). She keeps an eye out when I need to pee in the woods. Super friend.

Here is my own motivational quote to myself when I doubt how I will ever do this:

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop."
-Lewis Carroll, from Alice in Wonderland

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