Saturday, May 31, 2008

14 miles and a birthday party

today we had the most fun time (well afterwards it was fun) running 14 miles. The best part was seeing our inspiration, Kate, at the top of the hill as we finished. Yep, that's why I run. Carolyn, Laura, Craig and I suffered through the sweltering heat and humidity and talked for 2 hours about nonsense. What we learned and will share with you now is that no matter how sweet it is that you get up early, fills jugs with water and sit in the sun cheering us on with vaseline, sunblock and tissues, hose water still tastes, in the words of Hannah, "donkey." Descriptions from our team of the water today at a particular stop: donkey, algae, bathtub water, giardia infested, diarreah inducing, yucko, gross, warm, funky, bugsprayish and from the lone must be thirsty girl who has very bad plumbing at home "tastes good to me." We are grateful for water stops though. Water stop-Bob's water was something fine.
afterwards, we celebrated Kate's 6th birthday and had a super time watching her open presents and eat cake. Craig made sure she and he were sufficiently covered in hello kitty tatoos. Then the Hansens and the HBergers had a yummy brunch (yes, with bacon). great day.

1 comment:

Carolyn Hansen said...

It was pretty awesome. We love you guys!