Friday, November 23, 2007

more turkey day

sooo I have not been with my family in Ohio for 16 years for Thanksgiving because we go to Charlotte. I looooove Thanksgiving in either place but I always reminisce about the good ol days. I never once made it to the big table but I apired to. There are bonuses to being at the far end, however. See, we have this silly tradition with the dinner rolls. We don't necessarily pass them, but toss them...well, wing them is a better term. Being at the far end makes catching and winging more entertaining.

*side note--at our wedding my cousin Eddie called out my name during dinner. (He was seated very far away from me) Bam! Dinner roll to the face. Best damn wedding ever!

Where was I? Oh Thanksgiving. I called my dad (tradition again) and he passed the phone around the table so i could talk to everyone. My uncle Ed really wanted to sneak the nasty parts of the turkey to me (another not so fun tradition of find the giblets on my plate). Great part this year was that they included me in the blessing. My dad set the phone down next to my aunt Mary while she gave a moving prayer. Sigh. what a great day.

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