Wednesday, December 5, 2007


so. My little Will has had an irritation near his eye for a couple of days. I thought it was hives because he helped me trim the rosemary bush and the oils were all over him. Well after a visit to the doctor this morning we found our that it is poison ivy that is spreading across his face and his torso. Don't hand me the mother of the year pin yet, there's more. He also has been complaining that his legs hurt. "growing pains, sweetie. I remember them. They really hurt." I said. Then we saw the big red mark behind his knee. Hmm. What could that be? A bug bite? Let's put some antibacterial cream on it and keep it clean. Guess what the doctor said--It's a staph infection that is pretty bad. They took blood and will see if the antibiotics work.

So, we have antibiotics 3 times a day and steroids twice a day. We took the steroids with just a bit of whining. Then came the yummy pink stuff. We took it in itty bitty bits and then I said "just one more bit." That's when he vomited it on me. So we are supposed to take this 3 times a day for 10 days and he can't get it down once? Great. He is sleeping now after the trauma of the medicine but i will have to wake him to pick up his brother from school. The nurse who needs to call in a replacement prescription (takes what a minute?) has not called me back.
AAAAHHHHH! Did I mention my sweetie is out of town for a couple of days?
later in the the substitute medicine. works great (meaning he takes it without throwing it up in my hands). Walgreen's people = so sweet and good.
followup on Friday---"drained" the knee. Here's me: "Will, honey don't squeeze it too hard. I am afraid it will hit me in the face."
Will: "what?"
knee: splat
me: "can you hand me that towel, Will?"
**12/12 Have been called by the school nurse and my child's teacher regarding the paper cut on his ear (that he got while in school mind you). They just want to make sure it is not the spreading of staph. I am nervous to send my healthy, well fed, well rested, clean, loved, well-behaved child to school now. What if he coughs?

**12/15/07 Had to take Will into the Drs office for rash covering his entire body. His face its spotty and bright red. Yup--he is allergic (they think) to the antibiotics. They tested him for strep--nope. His knee has returned to normal. Oh and the ear is a normal cut, healing well.

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