Wednesday, March 26, 2008

will on heaven

here goes...."when you die your body turns to ashes which go up to heaven and there you turn into lots of little people but also yourself. It's kind of another world with lots of little people in it. you can be with all your dead dogs and family there. then you meet God. He has a little bit of hair and a face that you cannot see like a ghost, but not like a ghost. He is like Martin Luther King because he changed heaven and made it great. It is nice. Everything is beautiful. People who believe get to go there. In H E double hockey sticks people like the devil are the man who killed Martin Luther King. If you believe in the bad place, you go there."

"All the skeletons in the cemetery get together underground. They dig a deep hole and play cards down there and bet at who will win at pool. That's what they do in my dreams anyway."

1 comment:

Carolyn Hansen said...

I am so glad that you wrote that down. I love how he relateds the good and bad to Martin Luther King, Jr. So funny...