Wednesday, April 16, 2008


so, I have this little note on my computer that reads "do one thing each day that scares you" (E.Roosevelt). There are many things I would like to do today that I found "too scary" so eating strange yogurt it is. So scary mind you, that I have had this in my fridge for over two weeks (still unexpired however) and have yet to taste. Unwilling to match wits with a woman who is on my last nerve, I tackled the yogurt. I sniffed...lavendery. I tasted. yum! A bit of that funky honey after taste, but in a good way. The way Greece lingers in your mouth after you visit. Perhaps I will be super adventurous and try the berry jasmine with zinc or vanilla chai today.

1 comment:

Carolyn Hansen said...

I guess I am going to have to give it a try. I still doubt very much that I'll enjoy it but I'll try!