Friday, June 13, 2008

funny words

last night we had dinner with friends at a Lebanese restaurant. Everything we ordered made me laugh despite how delicious it was. I can't say "muhamarra" without pronouncing it like an old movie villian. and how fun is "shwarma?" We then began to ponder funny words. My sweet husband recalled that my favorite funny word is snorkel which made me laugh more. The following words make me laugh. Send me those that make you giggle (in itself a funny word) and I will make sure to say them frequently in your presence and add them to the list.


the name of everything in IKEA


hirsute- you don't think it's funny? then you don't know what it means

gruntled- is this what you would be if you were pleased?


fisticuffs (I read a lot of historical fiction)

scofflaw (see previous)

moist- even funnier with "towelette")



shag- carolyn's fav

smorgasbord- no matter how much food is there, I will laugh


calvalcade- call em in and make me laugh

wharf- good thing I don't have a boat


nougat- makes Beth laugh


barnacle- especially when found in the wharf



new additions from my friend, Geoff:
Galumpki- funny and delicious
uff da

*if only you could have been with me for the spelling bee finals. Ben and i watched in entirety. He giggled a lot as well. We were sad that head in her hands girl didn't make it very far.

1 comment:

YerLifeguard said...

"You know what's a funny word? Pickleweasel" Michael Kelso, That 70's Show.